All of Your Health
in One App.
How it Works
Upload Your DNA
Import your data from 23andMe,, or any other DNA sequencing solution.​
Connect Your Devices
Connect your Apple Watch, Fitbit, or any Smart Device compatible with Apple Health or Google Fit​
Tell Us More
Swipe left or right to answer a few questions on your lifestyle, family, and medical history.​
We Analyze Your Health
We use our unique
Data Processing and
AI Technology to compare the information provided to the latest medical and scientific knowledge.​
Take Action on Your Health Conditions
Know your Genetic Predispositions on 24,000+ Health Conditions, including Lynch Syndrome, Breast Cancer, and 7,000+ rare diseases
“Google” your DNA by disease, gene, variant, etc.
Get Unlimited access to 24/7/365 Telemedicine Consultations for you and your household*
Get the Most Relevant Treatments
Know the best Dosage, Toxicity, Metabolism, and Efficacy for close to 800 Drugs
Identify Interactions for 12,000 Drugs
Get Reminders for your Current Medical Treatments
Improve Your Lifestyle
Track your Physical Activity
Get Recommendations on your Nutrition, Vitamins & Supplements, Workouts, and More
Own Your Data
Privacy is in our DNA. We do not share or sell any of your personal or medical information.